Dinner Pricing
- $50,000 table of 10 (Magis level) includes table of ten, premium seating and two full-page ads in the program
- $25,000 table of 10 (Presidential level) includes table of ten, premier seating and full-page ad in the program
- $15,000 table of 10 (Benefactor level) includes table of ten, prime seating and full-page ad in the program
- $10,000 table of 10 (Sponsor level) includes table of ten, prime seating and half-page ad in the program
- $1,000 per person (Gold level)
- $500 per person (Silver level)
- $350 per person (Bronze level for Classes of 2011-2021)
All payments must be received in advance of the dinner. Tickets are not sold at the door.
Dinner Program Advertising
All artwork is due by 5:00 p.m., April 1, 2022.
Submit ad file to hclcny@holycross.edu. Please have the subject line read: Ad Submission.
Full-Page Ad
Size: 6” x 9” vertical
Color: Four-color process
Gift of $2,500
Half-Page Ad
Size: 6” x 4.5” horizontal
Color: Four-color process
Gift of $1,500
Gift of any level appreciated — all donors will be listed in the dinner program.
Ad File Format
We support files generated by Adobe Acrobat using the “Press Quality” Job Option Settings for Adobe Distiller, with specifications as listed below:
- Press optimized PDF files preferred
- All images/scans must be in CMYK mode, not RGB at 300 dpi resolution
- Embed all fonts
- Rules should be 0.25 point or thicker
- All elements must be placed at 100% size, no bleeds
- Avoid rotation and cropping of images in layout program as much as possible
I would like to sponsor a table, purchase tickets and/or purchase an ad for this year's dinner »
I am unable to attend the dinner, but would like to donate to the Council »
Please make check payable to College of the Holy Cross, and mail to:
College of the Holy Cross
Leadership Council of New York
1 College Street
Worcester, MA 01610
For more information, contact:
Email Patricia Gibbons Haylon ’83, P17, Director of Stewardship Programs & Presidential Events, or call (508) 793-3856.