See driving directions, walking directions to major sites on campus, as well as our 3D and 2D campus maps.
For general questions, please call us at 508-793-2011 or search for the specific office here.
To report a website error, such as broken links or images, accessibility issues, or to send us general feedback on the website, please contact us.
Public Safety
O'Kane 5
College of the Holy Cross
1 College Street
Worcester, MA 01610
Telephone: 508-793-2222
Fax: 508-793-3011
Office of Admissions
Fenwick Hall, Room 105
College of the Holy Cross
1 College Street
Worcester, MA 01610
Telephone: 800-442-2421 or 508-793-2443
Fax: 508-793-3888
College Marketing and Communications
Hogan 311
College of the Holy Cross
1 College Street
Worcester, MA 01610
Telephone: 508-793-2419
Fax: 508-793-2385