Did you know that YOU are the why for so many of our donors?
The minute you received your acceptance letter, you joined the Holy Cross family. Within this community, we are incredibly fortunate to have a robust network of alumni, parents and friends whose financial contributions enable and enrich the extraordinary education the College can offer. There is no better way to show those who give so generously the impact they are making than to tap into their why. And while donors may support scholarship, athletics, arts or internships, at the end of the day, they are supporting students. People. You! Let's say thanks!
- They care! To your donor, you are not a statistic, a number, or even a student. You are a valuable member of their Holy Cross family. Connecting with them strengthens their bond with the College they love.
- We NEED our donors – without them, we wouldn't be able to provide the financial aid that we do. Connecting with donors not only shows them the potential-filled person they are supporting, but it increases the likelihood that scholarships will grow, helping even more Holy Cross students have the access they deserve.
- Responding to generosity with gratitude is the right thing to do.
- In your financial aid package, you received a scholarship that said "Holy Cross Grant." Those dollars were funded by particular alumni, parents and friends. Because we know who they are, we have a unique opportunity to thank them in a special way by telling them a little bit about who their gift is supporting – YOU!
- Lead with gratitude! (If nothing else, your letter should evoke appreciation for their financial support.)
- Share what brought you to Holy Cross. Have you chosen a major? If so, what are your future plans?
- Have you had an amazing professor? Perspective-altering class or service project? Amazing internship? Meaningful connection? Write it down.
- Consider your audience. Use a tone that may be suitable for a letter to a potential employer.
- Thank you notes and questionnaires have been assigned in STAR. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Yasmeen Aslami, Associate Director of Donor Relations at stewardship@holycross.edu or 508-793-3479.
Please answer any (2) questions from the list below and write a brief thank you note.
- What is your area of study? Has Holy Cross helped you to discern your future plans?
I am studying economics with a minor in theology. I had always thought that I wanted to work at an investment firm, but some of my Holy Cross experiences have me thinking about how I can use my aptitude for math and interest in finance for good. I am now thinking about working with micro-lending programs to help low-income entrepreneurs secure the life-changing funding they need to chase their dreams.
- Tell us who you are! What are your passions/interests/activities outside the classroom?
I am from Utica, NY and am the youngest of three. In high school, I did a little bit of everything. I was on the student council, sang in our show choir, and played basketball. While I love to cheer on the varsity basketball teams at Holy Cross, my friends and I formed an intramural team and are having a blast. We play at the Jo, which is also where I work for my on-campus job. I also served as a retreat leader, which was such a positive experience. My retreat brought a lot of students with different interests together, all with the goal of taking a second to connect with God, ourselves and each other. It was great to take a step out of my comfort zone and ground myself. (I highly recommend you visit the Joyce Contemplative Center if you have the chance!)
- Why did you want to attend Holy Cross? Is it living up to your expectations? How/why?
Truthfully, I felt it in my gut that Holy Cross would be a good fit! While I knew that I would have received a top-notch education at any of the colleges I applied to, I felt the community aspect from my first steps on campus. Fellow students smile and nod hello, people hold doors for each other – it may seem silly, or at least intangible, but I just felt like this was a place where I could thrive and be happy. Don’t get me wrong – the work is really challenging! However, I know it will all be worth it, and I wouldn't change my HC experience for anything.
- As a liberal arts college, have any out-of-major courses/faculty made an impact on you?
I love to sing and participated in the College Choir as an overload class. I was shocked by how much fun it is! Being in the choir introduced me to Lessons and Carols, the Mass of the Holy Spirit, Baccalaureate, and other events that I may not have attended otherwise. I have made new friends, spent time doing something that I enjoy, and have become a more involved member of the Holy Cross community because of it.
- What experiences or opportunities at Holy Cross have meant the most to you and why?
When I participated in my first Lessons and Carols as part of the College Choir, I found the night to be incredibly moving. The music was beautiful and it was such a poignant reminder of the importance of the season. I cannot believe how many people pack into the St. Joseph's Memorial Chapel! Faculty, staff, students and alumni filled the space, and I was struck by what a special community we have. Seeing all of those alumni and their families also reminded me that my Holy Cross experience goes beyond my four years on campus, and I am always welcome back.
- How has the receipt of this scholarship impacted your life?
Without this scholarship, my family and I wouldn't have been able to afford a Holy Cross education. My first two and a half years at Holy Cross have been so formative, and when I think about the friends I have made, the rigorous education I am receiving, the different paths and options I have been exposed to, and the personal growth I have undergone, I just feel so lucky. Additionally, when I think about how someone I don't even know has given of themselves so that I can have this experience, it makes me think about how I can help someone else. I am very grateful.
- Has Holy Cross’ mission influenced how you live, think or involve yourself on campus?
Holy Cross' mission has made me rethink how I can be of service to others, and really inspired me to become a retreat leader. Life can be so chaotic, and I hope that the time we take to think and reflect has made a positive impression of the fellow students who have joined me at the Joyce Contemplative Center. I also feel that being on a campus with so many opportunities to exercise spirituality has helped me to begin an adult relationship with my faith. The Sunday night Mass is filled with music and life – and the door to the Chaplain's office is always open for guidance, support, respite…and warm chocolate chip cookies! The spiritual atmosphere on campus has made me feel more free to explore my faith.
- Can you describe a favorite Holy Cross memory?
Last winter, Worcester had a huge snowstorm. A whole bunch of students brought trays from Kimball out to the hill in front of Fenwick and went sledding. Campus was beautiful with freshly-fallen snow, the street lights were on, and everyone felt like they were eight-year-old kids again. It was a blast and I will never forget that night! (Let the record show that I did return my tray to Kimball!!)
- In what ways do you engage with the City of Worcester?
My friend is an education major and has been tutoring at a school in Worcester. Knowing that we both played sports in high school, she told that the school needed a basketball coach and thought I may be interested. We decided to help out, and now we coach the OLA 5th and 6th grade girls' team. They play against other Worcester-area Catholic schools, and I get to visit other parts of the city that I may not otherwise see. I'm not sure who is having more fun – the coaches or the players!
Dear Donor,
I want to thank you for supporting my education through your financial gifts to Holy Cross. Without your generosity, the cost of affording a Holy Cross education would have put a tremendous burden on my family and me. Your support has taken a heavy weight off my shoulders and allowed me to dedicate my time and efforts to the things that are going to prepare me for the future and make me a more well-rounded individual. I am so grateful to be your scholarship recipient.
From my first day at Holy Cross, I had declared pre-med as my major. I love math and science, and knew that I wanted to help people. However, when my best friend's dad was diagnosed with ALS, it hit me hard. I was telling my chemistry teacher about it during office hours and not only did she listen and console, but she began a conversation about solving the problem. We talked about what makes neurons die, and how answering this question could potentially be applied to multiple neuro-muscular diseases. That conversation changed my point of view. Now, instead of being a clinician, I want to get into research and answer some of these questions that could add quality and quantity to the lives of those like my friend's dad.
It is not an overstatement to say that the people I have met, the education I am receiving and the experiences I have had at Holy Cross have changed me. None of that happens without your financial contributions, and I will never forget your kindness and support. Though we have never met, I want you to know that I don't take your support for granted and am doing all I can to make the most of my time on Mount St. James. Again, thank you so much for your generosity.
Jane C. Smith