Mary Louise Marfuggi Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship

The Provost’s Office invites faculty members to nominate tenured colleagues to be considered for the Mary Louise Marfuggi Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship. This annual award was established to honor a member of the faculty for outstanding achievement in the creation of original work in the arts and sciences. It is granted to a faculty member based on original work that might include, but not be limited to, the publication of books and/or major journal articles, the creation and exhibition of works of art, the composition and performance of musical compositions, or other achievements of scholarly or significance.

Please nominate a tenured faculty member for outstanding work published, presented, performed, or exhibited during the eighteen-month period of July 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023. The scholarship in the 18-month window must have been published after tenure was awarded.

In addition, please note the following guidelines:

The Award is open to all tenured faculty. Nominations for co-authored publications are allowed. If two or more of the authors are tenured Holy Cross faculty members, you may nominate them jointly. Joint nominations should focus on the scholarship produced collaboratively.

Nominations should include the following:

  • a description of the nominee’s specific scholarly work or works; 
  • a statement regarding the significance of the work presented and its contribution to the nominee’s field;
  • a current CV (this can be requested from the nominee or the Provost’s Office)

Nominations may address the significance of work completed in prior years, if that work contributed materially to a larger project. However, nomination letters should clearly indicate specific achievements in this 18-month competition period that qualify the nominee for consideration. Nominations are strengthened when they include outside evaluative or supportive materials (a press review, a letter from the editor, etc.) or other evidence of outstanding distinction. It is the quality and not the quantity of the supporting materials that is important. Nominators should not have a conflict of interest, such as nominating an immediate family member. Any potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the time of nomination. 

Self-nominations will be considered, so long as the nomination is accompanied by additional evaluative or supportive materials. 

Nomination letters and any supporting materials should be submitted using this form only, no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, April 29, 2024.

The Committee on Faculty Scholarship reviews nominations and makes a recommendation to the Provost and Dean of the College and the Deans of the Faculty, who in turn make the final selection. Prior to selection, the Provost will review the recommended candidate’s faculty file and will request a review of any files in Human Resources and the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity by the directors of those offices. 

The award, consisting of a plaque and a taxable honorarium, will be presented at the end of the academic year. 

Past recipients:

  • Susan Rodgers (Sociology and Anthropology, 2004) 
  • Jane Van Doren (Chemistry, 2005)
  • Thomas Worcester, S.J. (History, 2006)
  • Jessica Waldoff (Music, 2007)
  • Richard Herrick (Chemistry, 2008)
  • Thomas Cecil (Mathematics and Computer Science, 2009)
  • Randy Ross (Physics, 2010) 
  • Robert Bellin (Biology, 2011)
  • Cristina Ballantine (Mathematics and Computer Science, 2012)
  • Kenneth Mills (Chemistry, 2013)
  • Denise Schaeffer (Political Science, 2014)
  • Ann Marie Leshkowich (Sociology and Anthropology, 2015)
  • Leon Claessens (Biology, 2016)
  • Charles Anderton (Economics and Accounting, 2017)
  • Lorelle Semley (History, 2018)
  • Juan Ramos (Spanish, 2019)
  • Florencia Anggoro (Psychology, 2020)
  • Paige Reynolds (English, 2021)
  • Ben Kain (Physics, 2022)
  • Timothy Joseph (Classics, 2023)