Past Colloquia
Vision for the Church:
Celebrating Kim McElaney's 25 Years of Ministry at Holy Cross
October 2, 2010
To honor the life of Kim McElaney '76, her 25 years of service as a chaplain at Holy Cross, and 20 years as director of the Office of the College Chaplains, this Alumni/ae Colloquium explored contemporary ministry in three areas especially significant to Kim's work: women's leadership in the Church; ministry to gay, lesbian, and bisexual students; and education for solidarity. These years have seen remarkable shifts in opportunities for faith development for students and changes in the way faith is practiced in the wider Church. While reflecting on challenges and successes over the last 25 years, the colloquium also will look to the future, imagining how to continue to educate new generations of leaders for the Church.
To make a donation to the Arrupe Immersion Program in Kim's memory, please send a check, payable to College of the Holy Cross, to Marybeth Kearns-Barrett, Associate Chaplain and Director of Service and Social Justice Programs. College of the Holy Cross, 1 College Street, Worcester MA 01610.
Sent to the Frontiers: Jesuits, Alumni/ae, and the Work of the Church
September 26, 2009
This colloquium explored the Jesuit future of Holy Cross and opportunities for involvement in social justice ministries. It featured young alumni Jesuits, the Ignatian Volunteer Corps and a keynote address by Rev. James Corkery, S.J., a theologian at the Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology in Ireland and one of two Irish delegates to the Jesuits 35th General Congregation last year.
Listen to Fr. Corkery's address: iTunes download»
Read the Decrees of the General Congregation 35. (pdf)
March 28-30, 2008
Alumni Colloquium: Young Adult Catholics - conducted in conjunction with the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown.
March 16-18, 2007
Islam and Christianity - Speakers include: Sahar Bazzaz, Assistant Professor of History, College of the Holy Cross; Adam Gaiser, Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Florida State University; John Renard, Professor of Theological Studies, Saint Louis University; Anisa Mehdi, Adjunct Professor of Islamic Studies, Seton Hall University.
May 12-14, 2006
A Church that Can and Cannot Change - Speakers: Judge John Noonan, and Professors M. Cathleen Kaveny (Notre Dame Law School), Margaret Farley RSM (Yale University), and James Heft, SM (University of Dayton).
November 18-21, 2004
Renewing the Church - In this three-day colloquium, 100 alumni/ae and spouses and 20 student leaders examined the present difficulties faced by the Catholic Church and discussed possible solutions to those difficulties. Scholars and church leaders attending the event included Christopher M. Bellitto, assistant professor of history, Kean University; Most Rev. Matthew H. Clark, Bishop of Rochester; Michael F. Collins, M.D., '77 clinical professor of medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine and chair of the Board of Trustees, College of the Holy Cross; Donald Cozzens, writer in residence, John Carroll University; Barbara Anne Cusack, chancellor, Archdiocese of Milwaukee; Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak, priest of the Archdiocese of New York and John and Gertrude Hubbard Chair in Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America; Thomas M. Landy, associate director of the Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture, College of the Holy Cross; Dolores R. Leckey, senior fellow, Woodstock Theological Center; Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J., president, College of the Holy Cross; David O'Brien, Loyola Professor of Roman Catholic Studies, College of the Holy Cross; Catherine M. Patten, R.S.H.M., coordinator, Catholic Common Ground Initiative at the National Pastoral Life Center; and Bruce Russett, Dean Acheson Professor of International Relations and Political Science at Yale University.