Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at the College of the Holy Cross is charged with ensuring that research and teaching involving live vertebrate animals is conducted in accordance with the highest scientific, humane and ethical standards. The Committee reviews and approves all research protocols involving live vertebrate animals for proper design and compliance with all applicable laws, policies and regulations. The Holy Cross IACUC is also responsible for establishing and implementing a plan for reviewing concerns involving animal care and use, inspecting and reporting on animal facilities at Holy Cross, and training all personnel who participate in research and teaching activities using live vertebrate animals.

The College of the Holy Cross is federally assured through NIH/PHS:

Assurance #: A3951-01 through 9/30/2018


Chair, Justin McAlister, Biology 

Julia Paxson, Biology 

Gerardo Gonzalez, Off Campus

Kendy Hess, Philosophy 

Gregory DiGirolamo, Psychology