All protocols must be submitted electronically to IACUC approval must be obtained prior to acquiring and housing vertebrate animals for research, beginning live animal research, or using live research animals in teaching.
Approved protocols require yearly review by the IACUC. In addition, a 3-year review is mandated by the Federal Public Health Service Policy. The IACUC must have completed continuing reviews and 3-year reviews prior to the initial protocol expiration date in order to maintain compliance and it is the responsibility of the PI to provide the IACUC with documents at least six weeks before the protocol expiration date.
Although the use of vertebrate animals in teaching does not officially require IACUC approval, the IACUC requests that instructors submit a copy of this form for each course in which live vertebrate animals are used for teaching, in order to centrally document the use of animals in teaching at the College. Please submit updated documentation at the beginning of each academic year.