
The College of the Holy Cross uses the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program for individuals conducting or participating in research involving human subjects. Training is required for anyone conducting research at the College and is available to all students, faculty, and staff conducting or advising research activities. Your completion report will be filed for audit purposes and is required of all applicants for IRB approval. Please contact Sponsored Research is you have any questions (x2742).


Go to

On the right hand side there are three boxes, one with a place to login, a second to login through institutions, and a third to create an account. Please choose the THIRD option; click the “REGISTER” button.

This will bring you to a page where you must affiliate with the College of the Holy Cross. This is important to the validity of your completion report. Under the “Select Your Organization” box, once you begin to type College of the Holy Cross, the full name should appear in the drop down menu. Select it and “continue to step 2”.

After you create your profile, you will be directed to the Curriculum page. Question 1 is the Human Subjects course. Select either Group 1 if you are faculty taking the course or select Group 2 if you are a student completing the course. You should NOT choose Group 3 or 4. Once you have selected your group, scroll all the way down to the bottom and click “Submit”. This will bring you to course modules to complete.

Please contact Sponsored Research x2742 if you have and questions or issues with CITI.