Whether you're a student or an instructor, adjusting to writing or teaching writing in college can be challenging. The Center for Writing is here to guide you through the process.
Upcoming Programs for Students
There is currently no upcoming student programming. Email centerforwriting@holycross.edu with your suggestions.
Past Programs for Students
Citation Frustration Station Fall '24
Citations have you frustrated at the end of the semester? Librarians and Writer's Workshop staff are here to help! Visit drop-in Citation Frustration Stations throughout the reading and exam periods for assistance with citing any source in any citation style.
Write-In Fall '24
Drop in anytime to get a head start on your end-of-semester papers. Consultants from the Writer's Workshop will be available to answer questions that come up while you're writing. Bring whatever writing you're working on to Dinand 202 - snacks and beverages provided.
Writer's Workshop Hiring Infosession FA '24
Have you ever thought about applying to become a consultant in the Writer's Workshop? Drop by for our hiring infosession! We can answer all your questions about the application process.
Citation Frustration Station Spring '24
Citations have you frustrated at the end of the semester? Librarians and Writer's Workshop staff are here to help! Visit drop-in Citation Frustration Stations throughout the reading and exam periods for assistance with citing any source in any citation style.
Write-In Spring '24
Drop in at Scalia to work on your end-of-term papers! Carve out some time to get some writing done in solidarity with your peers. Consultants from the Writer's Workshop will be available to answer quick questions that come up while you're writing. Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Citation Frustration Station Fall '23
Citations have you frustrated at the end of the semester? Librarians and Writer's Workshop staff are here to help! Visit drop-in Citation Frustration Stations throughout the reading and exam periods for assistance with citing any source in any citation style.
Write-In Fall '23
Drop in at Scalia to work on your end-of-term papers! Carve out some time to get some writing done in solidarity with your peers. Consultants from the Writer's Workshop will be available to answer quick questions that come up while you're writing. Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Writer's Workshop Open House Fall '23
Stop by during the open house to learn about our services! Talk to Workshop staff about writing consultations. Sign up for WCOnline to access writing consultants, STEM+ tutoring, and more. Receive resources for planning your next writing project. And of course, grab some snacks!
Citation Frustration Stations Spring '23
Citations have you frustrated at the end of the semester? Librarians and Writer's Workshop staff are here to help! Visit drop-in Citation Frustration Stations throughout the reading and exam periods for assistance with citing any source in any citation style.
Write-In Spring '23
Drop in at Dinand 202 to work on your end-of-term papers! Carve out some time to get some writing done in solidarity with your peers. Consultants from the Writer's Workshop will be available to answer quick questions that come up while you're writing. Refreshments will be provided.
The goal of the Write-In is to provide resources, structure, and accountability to help you get your writing done. We invite you to stay for the full time, but you are welcome to drop in or out as your schedule allows. Bring whatever writing you're working on!
Citation Frustration Stations Fall '22
Citations have you frustrated at the end of the semester? Librarians and Writer's Workshop staff are here to help! Visit drop-in Citation Frustration Stations throughout the reading and exam periods for assistance with citing any source in any citation style.
Write-In Fall '22
Drop in at Dinand 203 to work on your end-of-term papers! Carve out some time to get some writing done in solidarity with your peers. Consultants from the Writer's Workshop will be available to answer quick questions that come up while you're writing.
Collaborative Writing Workshop '22
Stressing about your group writing project? The Center for Writing can help. This workshop includes activities and guidelines to help you write and work effectively in a group setting. Learn how to establish clear procedures and expectations, create subtasks, and resolve conflicts. You’ll leave the workshop with handouts and resources as well as transferable skills useful for collaborative work in school and beyond!
Citation Frustration Stations Spring '22
Citations have you frustrated at the end of the semester? Librarians and Writer's Workshop staff are here to help! Visit drop-in Citation Frustration Stations throughout the reading and exam periods for assistance with citing any source in any citation style.
Write-In Spring '22
Drop in at Dinand Library to work on your end-of-term papers! Carve out some time to get some writing done in solidarity with your peers. Writer's Workshop consultants will be available to answer quick questions that come up while you're writing. Refreshments will be provided.
Upcoming Programs for Faculty
Evolving Technology, Evolving Teaching Practices: Writing Instruction and AI
February 11, 2025
12 pm - 1:30 pm
Levis Browsing Room
How can writing instruction and writing learning outcomes evolve to address the concerns and opportunities surrounding generative artificial intelligence? How can we harness these tools’ potential while safeguarding students’ ability to develop creative and critical thinking strategies and a nuanced understanding of communication ethics? In this workshop, we’ll explore practical pedagogical strategies that emerge from research in the field of writing studies. This event will feature a 60-minute workshop followed by 30 minutes of discussion of your writing assignments.
Bring a laptop or internet-connected device if possible. Lunch will be provided.
Evolving Technology, Evolving Teaching Practices: Writing Instruction and AI
February 19, 2025
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
How can writing instruction and writing learning outcomes evolve to address the concerns and opportunities surrounding generative artificial intelligence? How can we harness these tools’ potential while safeguarding students’ ability to develop creative and critical thinking strategies and a nuanced understanding of communication ethics? In this workshop, we’ll explore practical pedagogical strategies that emerge from research in the field of writing studies. This event will feature a 60-minute workshop followed by 30 minutes of discussion of your writing assignments.
AI Coffee Talk
March 13, 2025
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Dinand 202/Zoom
Join the Center for Writing for our next informal chat about AI and teaching writing.
The goal of these coffee talks is for faculty to share ways they are using, incorporating, or addressing generative AI in their classrooms. Conversations will focus on practical pedagogical application of this technology. Coffee and snacks will be provided.
Past Programs for Faculty
AI Coffee Talk
February 4, 2025
Join the Center for Writing for our next informal chat about AI and teaching writing! The goal of these coffee talks is for faculty to share ways they are using, incorporating, or addressing generative AI in their classrooms.
Faculty Writing Retreat @ the JCC
January 9-11, 2025
The "Shut Up and Write" retreat provides faculty with dedicated time to focus on their writing. Participants spend several hours each day reflecting and writing. There is one overarching requirement: all attendees articulate a writing goal before attending the retreat and then, during the retreat, do their best to meet that goal.
Inclusive Syllabus Design
August 15, 2024
The syllabus is your first opportunity to communicate with your students. Commonly considered a kind of contract—a description of policies, procedures, and other course content—it also sets the tone for the semester, signaling what students will learn, how they will be evaluated, and what you value.
Join us for a 90-minute interactive hybrid workshop on best practices for inclusive syllabus design. This event is co-sponsored by the Center for Writing and the Learning Design Team.
Incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles in Assignment Design
August 19, 2024
Exploring ways to make your assignments more inclusive and accessible? Join us for a presentation of bite-sized practical UDL tips. We will look at strategies for presenting assignments, outlining assignment procedures, providing scaffolding, and broadening expression in assignments. This session will include a 30-minute presentation and allow for 30 minutes of instructor sharing. This event is co-sponsored by the Center for Writing and the Learning Design Team.
Specifications Grading Webinar
Thursday, May 16th
Linda Nilson’s 90-minute webinar on Specifications Grading draws from her book, Specifications Grading: Restoring Rigor, Motivating Students, and Saving Faculty Time (available as an ebook through our library).
Incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles in Assignment Design
February 12, 2024
Co-facilitated by the Learning Design team and Gabe Morrison, Associate Director of the Center for Writing.
Reimagining Writing Instruction
January 16, 2024
How do we define “good” writing for our students? What counts as “writing?” How do we teach writing to support essential disciplinary content? What are ways to integrate digital literacy and inclusive excellence into our teaching of writing? The Center for Writing invites you to a conversation and work session about these questions and more.
Faculty Writing Retreat @ the JCC
January 8-10, 2024
The "Shut Up and Write" retreat provides faculty with dedicated time to focus on their writing. Participants spend several hours each day reflecting and writing. There is one overarching requirement: all attendees articulate a writing goal before attending the retreat and then, during the retreat, do their best to meet that goal.
Using Generative AI to Enhance Student Engagement with Course Content
November 10, 2023
Where are we now with Generative AI? What are our future plans? Join us for a viewing of the webinar “Using Generative AI to Enhance Student Engagement with Course Content” presented by Tim Amidon and Mike Palmquist of the WAC Program at Colorado State University (home to the WAC Clearinghouse). We invite you to stay for the follow-up discussion.
Meet the Student Accessibility Services Team
October 17, 2023
Enjoy breakfast and meet the Student Accessibility Services Team! Drop in anytime between 8:30am - 10am in Hogan's Suite A. There will be a presentation at 9am in Suite B/C about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) led by the Center for Writing and Edtech's Learning Design team.
ChatGPT Sandbox Session
April 14, 2023
We invite you to the second sandbox session in our series on AI technology and writing. In this session faculty will have the opportunity to experiment hands-on with AI writing technologies, including ChatGPT. The session is drop-in/out and will follow the same outline as our last sandbox session.
Following the sandbox portion, the Center for Writing will lead a discussion from 2:00 to 2:30pm on the potential pedagogical applications of the tools.
ChatGPT Sandbox Session
February 15, 2023
We invite you to the second event in our series on AI technology and writing. In this session faculty will have the opportunity to experiment hands-on with AI writing technologies, including ChatGPT. The session is drop-in/out. Following the sandbox portion, the Center for Writing and members from Educational Design and Digital Media Services will lead a discussion from 3:30 to 4:00pm on the potential pedagogical applications of the tools.
How Can Educators Respond to ChatGPT and AI Writing Technologies?
January 27, 2023
We invite you to attend a conversation on AI technology and writing. Gain a better understanding of how AI technology might be used by writers and discuss the implications it has for teaching and learning.
Attendees will participate in discussions and have the opportunity to ask questions. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations about AI writing technologies.
Assignment Retreat '23
January 17, 2023
This retreat is an opportunity to focus on curriculum design and assignment development—no matter where you are in that process, for any course that needs your attention. There will be a morning session titled "The Logistics of ‘Ungrading’ Your Writing Assignments” that will cover practical strategies for implementing contract and specifications grading into assignments, followed by work time with consultation opportunities in the afternoon. Coffee and lunch will be provided.
Academic Integrity in Writing: A Roundtable Discussion on Paraphrasing, Summary, and Avoiding Plagiarism
March 29 and 30, 2022
One great topic; two opportunities for discussion.
Join the Center for Writing for a 30-minute roundtable discussion on academic integrity concerns in student writing. Bring issues you’ve faced and any solutions you’ve found when helping students write based on research. You are welcome to attend the Tuesday session, the Wednesday session, or both. Light snacks will be provided.
Assignment Retreat '22
January 18, 2022
Created as a response to faculty request, this retreat is an opportunity to focus on curriculum design and assignment development—no matter where you are in that process, for any course that needs your attention. Although there will be a few short discussions by representatives from various Holy Cross offices, as well as individual consultations and small group conversations (if you'd like to participate), this is not a workshop. It is a time and place to think, plan, and write. Discussions and consultations with resource specialists will take place virtually. Snacks and coffee will be provided for in-person participants.
Contract/Specs Grading and More: Continuing the Conversation
November 18, 2021
During AY 2020-21, the Center for Writing sponsored several faculty-led discussions about contract and specs grading. We hope you will join us to follow up on those conversations and to share what we’ve learned since then as a community. If you’ve tried contract or specifications grading, we want to hear from you about how you think it’s working. If you haven’t, but you want to learn more, come with your questions about these inclusive pedagogical practices.