Journal and Conference


"Interfaces", a bilingual (English/French) peer-reviewed illustrated journal, is co-edited by Maurice Géracht, the Stephen J. Prior Professor of Humanities Emeritus in the English department, and Brittain Smith, director of the Office of Study Abroad at Holy Cross. Published annually, the publication focuses on the dividing line — the "interface" — between language and the image, two means of expression different and yet inseparable.

In 2010, the Council of Editors of Learned Journals, an allied organization of the Modern Language Association, awarded “Interfaces,” with the Parnassus Award for Significant Editorial Achievement. The award is only given every three years. “Interfaces” earned the imprimatur of the National Center for Scientific Research in 1995. It is published jointly by Holy Cross and the Université Paris Diderot.

International Word and Image Conference

Maurice Géracht also serves as the principal organizer of the International Word and Image Conference, which convenes yearly at the end of June. Holy Cross first hosted the conference in 1999 and since then has alternated such responsibilities with the Université Paris Diderot and the Université de Bourgogne, both in France. The conference is also sponsored by “Interfaces.”

It is a two to three day thematic conference, limited to 25 to 35 participants. All sessions are plenary. The conference organizers are open to a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches and particularly look to engage diverse disciplines and fields of study.