York, England
Location & Facilities:
Study Abroad Office
Derwent College
University of York
York, YO10 5DD
York is the premier cultural and commercial center in the North of England. York's foundation stones are Roman and the city has roots in Jorvik, a Viking settlement from which it derives its name. Its well preserved ancient walls enclose York Minster, one of England's great Gothic cathedrals - indeed one of the great Christian monuments in Northern Europe, numerous medieval churches, ancient towers, 15th-century timbered homes, streets and alleys, 16th-century town houses, 17th-century civic buildings, 18th-century commercial halls, all testimony to York's long-standing importance as a religious, commercial, cultural and education center. A mile outside the old city wall, the new University is one of Britain's most attractive university campuses. Elizabethan manors and contemporary buildings unite in a pastoral setting around a lake. Each of the seven colleges which together constitute the University integrates classrooms, offices, libraries, study halls, dining facilities, common rooms, and residences for undergraduates, graduate students and faculty representing all the academic areas to form an inter-disciplinary and multifaceted social environment. Founded in 1963, it quickly earned its excellent academic reputation.
Academic Program:
In some departments (e.g. History, English) courses carry a value of up to thirty credits. In other departments (e.g. Biology, Economics, Psychology), the material is taught in smaller units which carry correspondingly lower credit values. A wide range of courses is available for Holy Cross students in all the liberal arts and sciences. Learning opportunities normally include a mix of lectures, tutorials, seminars, and in science subjects, laboratory. On arrival, students are assigned to a supervisor in their main subject department who will help them choose appropriate courses and who will be concerned with their academic progress and personal welfare throughout the stay.
Course Load:
40 to 45 credits per term for a total of 120 credits for the full year are the equivalent of an academic year at Holy Cross.
Courses taken at University of York for Holy Cross credit (PDF)
Visiting Students Course Offerings
Independent Cultural Immersion Project (ICIP):
Successful completion of the ICIP, in addition to the required course load, is necessary.
Living Arrangements:
Students are given rooms spread among the six colleges to insure full integration; most are single study-bedroom, but students should also be prepared to accept places in double rooms. Small shared kitchens in the residential areas are available. All colleges have a variety of food services; students may use the facilities in any of them.
Study Abroad Contact Person:
Interim: Christopher Van Booven - Assistant Director
Email: cvanboov@holycross.edu
Phone: 508-793-2755
Office: Smith 213