• If you are in distress and need to speak with someone urgently, an on-call crisis counselor can be reached 24/7 at the following numbers:
    Holy Cross 24-hour Crisis Center number (855-418-7282)
    National Suicide Help Line (800-273-8225)

The Role of the Center

The primary objective of the College's counseling services is to promote psychological growth and development associated with issues ordinarily experienced in late adolescence and young adulthood. The services offered by the psychologists and counselors at the Center are based on interventions designed to help students resolve developmental issues of early adulthood. Under certain conditions professional consultation and referral may be necessary. Students requiring longer or more intensive assistance will usually be referred to appropriate services off campus.

In emergency situations, when you think a student may be at risk of harming him/herself or someone else, you should call the Counseling Center (508) 793-3363 as soon as possible. Inform the secretary that you wish to speak with a psychologist immediately about an emergency.

Arrangements will be made to see the student as soon as is necessary. In the evenings or on weekends, call Health Services (508) 793-2276. The nurse on duty will make arrangements to initiate appropriate emergency services.