• If you are in distress and need to speak with someone urgently, an on-call crisis counselor can be reached 24/7 at the following numbers:
    Holy Cross 24-hour Crisis Center number (855-418-7282)
    National Suicide Help Line (800-273-8225)

Just for Resident Assistants and Peer Educators


The staff of the Office recognizes and values the important contributions RAs and PEs make to the life of the community. Whenever you contact the office tell the receptionist you are an RA or PE. This will ensure that you will be connected with a member of the professional staff as promptly as possible.

We are always available for the following:

Consultation - RAs and PEs may request to meet with a member of the staff to discuss anything from a student in distress to a difficult roommate situation to methods for improving communication and cohesion on a floor. 

Programs and Workshops - Members of the professional staff offer a variety of educational programs and workshops each year (described later in this brochure). We are happy to make arrangements for members of your living unit to attend these, and will also work with you to design and offer individualized programs of specific interest to the students in your area. 

Individual Counseling
 - Sometimes being an RA or PE can be difficult. Issues such as stress, time management, personal relationships, and burnout are common but unwelcome parts of the role. It is important to know that our counselors/psychologists are available to you to discuss these and other issues in confidence, and to provide assistance to you when the job becomes difficult.