Interested in an advanced degree in the sciences?
The Council on Undergraduate Research hosts a Registry of Undergraduate Researchers. The purpose of this registry is to facilitate matchmaking between undergraduates who have research experience and a desire to pursue an advanced degree, with graduate schools seeking high quality students who are well prepared for research. The Registry is open to students and graduate schools in the fields of Anthropology/Archaeology, Arts/Humanities, Biology/Biochemistry, Business, Chemistry/Biochemistry, Economics, Education, Engineering, English and Linguistics, Environmental Studies, Geosciences, Health Professions, History, Journalism and Communications, Mathematics/Computer Science, Physics/ Astronomy, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work and Sociology. Any undergraduate may go to to fill out a simple curriculum vitae form. There is no charge to the student and records will be made available to bona fide Graduate Schools that contract with CUR for this service. Organizations or companies seeking the students’ information for other marketing purposes will not be granted access. Graduate School representatives may contact students to invite applications or visits to the campus and laboratory, or to share information about their research programs and financial support opportunities.
Graduate schools may provide a link to their websites, and may provide a short description of opportunities, such as research fields and fellowships. It will also be possible for institutions to place an ad on the database website if the content is related to the mission of CUR and the Undergraduate Registry.
We hope that students who are currently in their junior year will register now, but anyone with undergraduate research experience may register at any time. You will be able to update your listing as appropriate, to include any summer research experience or information about Senior Theses and test scores. We also welcome submissions by students who are engaged in Masters' Degree programs now but who plan on going on to a PhD program. Just fill out the information on the form including the date you intend to enter a PhD program and your date of completion of your undergraduate degree. Upload a link to your CV that contains complete information about your MS/MA degree activity (school, subject, thesis topic (if applicable), and advisor).
CUR believes that this service will be a great benefit for both students and graduate schools by narrowing the search for the right match. So if you are interested in graduate school, please take a moment to register now. Be sure to include a statement of your research interests, as this will be important for making the match.
Research Positions (updated FEBRUARY 11, 2014)
Searching for a full-time research position can be a full-time job. One place to check is your home department here at Holy Cross. Often, department chairs and other faculty will receive information about an opening.
In addition, there are several excellent web resources you can use to locate a graduate research position.
Evoldir, for example, provides a means for evolutionary biologists, population biologists and scientists in related areas to post and distribute information about jobs, meetings, and other important events. Go their website and scroll down to graduate job listings for more information.
Pfizer, a world-renowned pharmaceutical company has an excellent web resource regarding career and internship opportunities at Pfizer.
There are several entry level positions available within Analytical Research and Development. These are posted at
Below are recent postings I have received regarding research positions for students with a bachelor's degree.
RESEARCH ASSISTANT - CELLULAR AND MOUSE MODELS OF PARKINSON'S DISEASE. I am PI of a laboratory at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Harvard Medical School in Boston, and I’m now looking to hire a research assistant (RA) for my laboratory. Please forward this message to any candidates who are looking for a full time position either now or upon graduating this spring. Ideally, the candidate will be looking for a position for 2 years or more, but we may consider a candidate for 1 year. My laboratory focuses on cellular and mouse models of aging and Parkinson’s disease. One project focuses on neuroprotection experiments in neurotoxin and transgenic models of Parkinson’s disease. We are using viral vectors to overexpress specific target genes (gene therapy) in these models. An additional set of experiments also uses transgenic mouse models to study the impact of acquired mitochondrial DNA mutations in the brain, and strategies to protect against these mutations. This work will involve handling mice, cryostat sectioning, immunohistochemistry, biochemical assays, and basic molecular biological techniques. Some research experience is helpful, but we will be able to teach each of the required methods. Interested candidates should send an email with a CV and 2 or 3 references to Dr. Simon; David K. Simon, MD PhD, Associate Professor of Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School; 330 Brookline Ave. Room CLS-638; Boston, MA 02215; Tel: 617-735-3251; Fax: 617-735-2826. (received Feb 11, 2014)