STEP 1 - First year and fall of sophomore year for ALL Licensure Candidates
Foundations of Education:
(Both of these courses are required before acceptance into the program - 2 courses)
EDUC 167, Educational Psychology
EDUC 169, Schooling in the U.S. - includes 20 hours pre-practicum at a Worcester Public School
Sophomore year- TEP applications due.
STEP 2 - Sophomore and Junior year
In order to complete the TEP you will need to follow a program of study that will include the following 3 components before your senior year.
1. Urban Issues: (1 of any of the following courses)
EDUC 273, Urban Education
EDUC 340, Multicultural Education
SOCL 360, Sociology of Education
POLS 210, Urban Policy
2. Human Development: (1 of the following courses)
PSYC 228, Psychology of Adolescence
EDUC 232, Developmental Science and Education
3. Teaching and Learning: Pre-practicum field placement
All students are required to complete at least 100 hours of pre-practicum field placement prior to student teaching. Various courses offer a field placement component such as Educ 169, Educ 175, Educ 273, and Educ 340 If a student has not completed 100 hours by taking those courses, then a student can enroll for Educ 124 (a non credit course). See the Director for more information. These pre-practicums must occur within the middle or secondary school.
STEP 3: Methodology
All students seeking secondary licensure are required to take a subject-specific methods course offered through the Consortium. These courses are typically offered in the 'even' year during the fall semester. See the Director for more information on how to enroll for these courses. Each course includes 30 hours of pre-practicum.
Students pursuing Foreign Language or Visual Arts Licensure are required to take BOTH Educ 181 and their respective subject specific methods course.
Senior Year - Full Semester of Student Teaching - Fall or Spring
EDUC 330, Student Teaching Practicum at a Worcester Public School and
EDUC 320, Student Teaching Seminar