STEP 1 - First year and fall of sophomore year for ALL Licensure Candidates
Foundations of Education:
(Both of these courses are required before acceptance into the program - 2 courses)
EDUC 167, Educational Psychology
EDUC 169, Schooling in the U.S. - includes 20 hours pre-practicum at a Worcester Public School
STEP 2 - Sophomore and Junior year
In order to complete the TEP you will need to follow a program of study that will include the following 3 components before your senior year.
1. Urban Issues: (1 of any of the following courses)
EDUC 273, Urban Education
EDUC 340, Multicultural Education
SOCL 360, Sociology of Education
POLS 210, Urban Policy
2. Human Development: (1 of the following)
PSYC 225, Developmental Psychology
PSYC 232, Developmental Science and Education
STEP 3 Teaching and Learning
Pre-practicum field placements
All students are required to complete at least 80 hours of pre-practicum field placement prior to student teaching. Various courses offer a field placement component such as Educ 169, Educ 181, Educ 273, and Educ 340. If a student has not completed 80 hours by taking those courses, then a student can enroll in Educ 124 (a non credit course). See the Director for more information. These pre-practicums must occur within the elementary and middle school.
Methodology: EDUC 181, The Middle School
All licensure students are required to take Educ 181 The Middle School prior to entering student teaching. This course is offered each fall and includes a 30 hour pre-practicum component.
Students pursuing Foreign Language or Visual Arts Licensure are required to take BOTH Educ 181 and the respective subject specific methods course.
Senior Year - Full Semester of Student Teaching - Fall or Spring
EDUC 330, Student Teaching Practicum at a Worcester Public School, and
EDUC 320, Student Teaching Seminar