English Department
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph. D., University of Virginia
Fields: 18th- and 19th-Century British Literature and Culture
Email: jreed@holycross.edu
Office: Fenwick 231
Office Hours: M/W 2–4pm, and by appt
- Intro to Literary Study: Fakes in Fiction
- Intro to Literary Study: Beyond the Human
- Masterpieces of British Literature
- Poetry and Poetics
- The Rise of the Novel
- Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Drama
- Montserrat: Memory and Anticipation
Selected Publications
Manuscript in Progress
Redrawing the Map: Affective Geographies of British Empire in the Long Eighteenth Century
(full manuscript invited by University of Virginia Press for peer review)
Journal articles
“Representing Sexual Violation in the Archive of Caribbean Enslavement.” Studies in
Eighteenth-Century Culture 49 (2020): 89–107.
“Moving Fortunes: Caribbean Women’s Marriage, Mobility, and Money in the Novel of
Sentiment.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 31, no. 3 (2019): 509–28.
“Sites of Terror and Affective Geographies on Thomas Thistlewood’s Breadnut Island Pen.”
Caribbeana: The Journal of the Early Caribbean Society 1, no. 1 (2016): 34–62.
“Fooling Around: Female Stand-Ups and Sexual Joking.” Journal of Popular Culture 48, no. 4 (2015): 703–13 (published as Jennifer Foy).
Book Chapters
“Performances of Suffering and the Stagecraft of Sympathy.” In The Eighteenth Centuries: An Interdisciplinary Investigation, ed. David Gies and Cynthia Wall. Charlottesville;
London: University of Virginia Press, 2018, 264–75.
“Making it Matter.” In Making Things and Drawing Boundaries: Experiments in the Digital
Humanities (Debates in the Digital Humanities series), ed. Matthew Gold and Lauren
Klein. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018 (co-authored).