HC in Solidarity Events


January, February, March, April




Tuesday, March 10
7 C’s Dialogue Space

Hogan Game Room
6-9 p.m.
Come engage in open and productive dialogue!
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators


Wednesday, March 11
Skylar Kergil: "How Living Authentically Shaped my College Career"

Dinand Library Levis Browsing Room
4 p.m.
Sponsored by the Diversity Leadership Team, Student Affairs, Pride, and the Department of Sociology and Anthropology


Thursday, March 12
Coming Together: Disabilities; What is Legal? And What is Right?

Dinand Library Levis Browsing Room
12-1:30 p.m.
Discuss ADA, access and much more. To RSVP, contact Robert Jones, associate director of multicultural education, at rjone@holycross.edu.
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education


Tuesday, March 17
Lunch & Learn: "What does it mean to be men and women for and with others?"

Hogan 401
12-1:30 pm
We hear the phrase often. How is it manifested in our interactions? To RSVP, contact Robert Jones, associate director of multicultural education, at rjone@holycross.edu or Greta Kenney, coordinator of diversity leadership and education, at gkenney@holycross.edu.
Office of Multicultural Education & Diversity Leadership Team & Academic Affairs


Tuesday, March 17
Teach-In: Global Undocumented Immigration

Hogan 402
4-6 p.m.
Come learn about and engage in dialogue on global undocumented immigration: South and Central America, Mexico, Caribbean, and Europe.
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education 


Tuesday, March 17
7 C’s Dialogue Space

Hogan Game Room
6-9 p.m.
Come engage in open and productive dialogue!
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators


Wednesday, March 18
Teach-In: Global Undocumented Immigration

Hogan 409
4-6 p.m.
Come learn about and engage in dialogue on global undocumented immigration: South and Central America, Mexico, Caribbean, and Europe.
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education 


Friday, March 20
What’s Poppin’? Open dialogue on issues of the day.

Hogan 109 Conference Room
3:30 – 5 p.m.
Take time to eat some popcorn, meet the OME staff and discuss current issues
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education


Tuesday, March 24
7 C’s Dialogue Space

Hogan Game Room
6-9 p.m.
Come engage in open and productive dialogue!
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators


Wednesday, March 25
From the Civil War to Ferguson: The Role of the Black Church as a Training Ground for Activism

Rehm Library
4:30 p.m.
Karsonya Wise Whitehead, assistant professor of communication and African & African American studies at Loyola University Maryland, is the author of "Notes from a Colored Girl: The Civil War Pocket Diaries of Emilie Frances Davis". In this lecture, explore the role of the black church in the context of American history, the recent events in Ferguson and New York, and the African American experience.
McFarland Center for Religion, Ethics, and Culture



Wednesday, March 25 
Worcester Roots Project

Rehm Library
7:00 p.m.

Worcester youth share their story of working for change and their perspective on life in this city we call home. 


Friday, March 27
Festival of Nations

Loyola Ballroom
10:00 p.m - 12:00 a.m.
Come enjoy a performance show that celebrates various countries and cultures.
Campus Activities Board


Tuesday, March 31
7 C’s Dialogue Space

Hogan Game Room
6-9 p.m.
Come engage in open and productive dialogue!
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators




Tuesday, April 7
Coming Together: From Bystander to Ally to Advocate!

Dinand Library Levis Browsing Room
12-1:30 p.m.
What is the process of becoming more involved?
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education


Tuesday, April 7
7 C’s Dialogue Space

Hogan Game Room
6-9 p.m.
Come engage in open and productive dialogue!
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators


Tuesday, April 14
7 C’s Dialogue Space

Hogan Game Room
6-9 p.m.
Come engage in open and productive dialogue!
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators


Wednesday, April 15
Lunch & Learn: GLBTQQ Safe Zone

Hogan 407-9
12-1:30 p.m.
To RSVP, contact Robert Jones, associate director of multicultural education, at rjone@holycross.edu or Greta Kenney, coordinator of diversity leadership and education, at gkenney@holycross.edu.
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education, Diversity Leadership Team and Office of Student Affairs

Friday, April 17
What’s Poppin’? Open dialogue on issues of the day.

Hogan 109 Conference Room
3:30-5 p.m.
Take time to eat some popcorn, meet the OME staff and discuss current issues.
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education


Wednesday, April 22
Movie “SELMA” and discussion

Seelos Theater
3 p.m. (discussion 1 hour before movie & 1 hour after in Kimball 2)
Come and watch movie and engage in dialogue before and after.
Office of Multicultural Education and Office of Student Life


Friday, April 24
Rites of Passage

Mary Chapel
6:00 p.m. 
The Rites of Passage Ceremony is a religious and cultural ceremony that marks the major life transition of college graduation for students from the African Diaspora. The celebration seeks to bring various groups together to honor this major life event. It is open to the entire Holy Cross Community. Participants and attendees are encouraged to wear clothing that best reflects their culture.
The Chaplain's Office




Monday, Jan. 26
Lecture Examines Role of Black Church as Training Ground for Activism

Rehm Library
Karsonya Wise Whitehead, assistant professor of communication and African & African American studies at Loyola University Maryland, will give a lecture titled, "From the Civil War to Ferguson: The Role of the Black Church as a Training Ground for Activism." In this lecture, she will explore the role of the black church in the context of American history, the recent events in Ferguson and New York, and the African American experience.more


Thursday, January 29
Managing Social Justice Burnout

Hogan 401
12:-1:30 p.m.
Lunch & Learn Series


Last week in January
"Faces of the Hill" Photography exhibition

Hogan Campus Center
Portraits of members of the Holy Cross Community (students, faculty, staff), holding signs that define them.


Friday, Jan. 30-Sunday, Feb. 1
Weekend Workshop on Social Justice: The Intersectionality of Multiple Identities; POWER, PRIVILEGE & SOLIDARITY

Canonicus Camp & Conference Center
Explore personal, group, and institutional identity & the Power & Privilege associated with those identities as we build Solidarity on campus. For more information, contact Robert Jones, associate director of multicultural education, at rjone@holycross.edu.
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and SGA


Friday, Jan. 30
Connections, Conversations, and Action: An Arts-Based Approach to Social Justice

4 -6 p.m.
Hogan Suite A
Workshop led by dancer/choreographer and educator Elizabeth Johnson more




Tuesday, Feb. 3
7 C’s Dialogue Space

6-9 p.m.
Hogan Game Room
Come engage in open and productive dialogue! Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators


Tuesday, Feb. 3
BSU Motown 10-Spot

10 p.m.
Hogan Crossroads
The Black Student Union and Campus Activities Board present the Motown 10 Spot to kick off the Black History Month celebration. Motown played an important role in the racial integration of popular music as an African American-owned record label, which achieved significant crossover success in the 1960s. Motown music is a style of soul music with pop influences. This 10 Spot will feature student performances of Motown music.
Sponsored by the Black Student Union



Wednesday, Feb. 4
Expand Your Community Lunch-In

Upper Kimball and Crossroads
12 - 1 p.m.
Do you usually dine with the same people? Would you like to meet someone new? From 12 - 1, if you see some balloons floating at a table, you are invited to join us. No agenda beyond this. This is part of HC in Solidarity, intended to help bring us together by encouraging conversations with new people.
Sponsored by the Diversity Leadership Team

Wednesday, Feb. 4
MPE Open Meeting: Black Like Who?

Hogan 320
6:30-8 p.m.
Thomas Doughton, senior lecturer, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies Exploration of Black identity. To RSVP, contact Robert Jones, associate director of multicultural education, at rjone@holycross.edu.
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators


Tuesday, Feb. 5
Black History Month: A Mini Lecture Series


Rehm Library
4:30-5:30 p.m.
Jacqueline Peterson, vice president for Student Affairs and dean of students “How Far Have We Really Come? A Personal Perspective on Progress from ‘I Have A Dream’ to the Present”
Sponsored by SGA, Black Student Union, Diversity Leadership Team, and Hate: Not Here! Committee


Friday, Feb. 6
BSU Fashion Show: Fashion Meets Music


Mechanics Hall, 321 Main Street, Worcester
Hors d’oeuvres: 7 p.m.; Show: 8 p.m.
The Black Student Union presents its 17th Annual Black and Gold Fashion Show. This year’s theme is music awards which will feature different music genres. The music genres include blues, jazz, doo-wop, soul, rock ’n’ roll, R&B, pop, and hip-hop. The clothing, hair, make-up, accessories, and music will express a different genre. Be ready to enjoy great fashion, music, delicious appetizers from Struck Catering, and student performances. Ticket info: $12 for appetizers and show, $10 for show only. Tickets can be purchased at the Hogan lobby tables during the last week of January and the first week of February, or by emailing Oluwaseun Oke ’15 at oaoke15@g.holycross.edu or Vicmarys Brito ’15 at vbrito15@g.holycross.edumore
Sponsored by the Black Student Union


Monday, Feb. 9-Friday, Feb. 13


Hogan 1 Copy Center
Feb. 12
Demonstration Follow-up Discussion
Hogan 304
5:30 p.m.
The Black Student Union will display visual representations of the mass incarceration of black and brown men in the United States. The images and art pieces, which will be displayed throughout the entire week, will be an attempt to show the lived experiences of black and brown men in this country. The event will also provide understanding and a space for Holy Cross to stand in solidarity. A discussion will follow. more
Sponsored by the Black Student Union


Tuesday, Feb. 10
Coming Together Productive Dialogue! Race Relations; What say you?


Dinand Library Levis Browsing Room
12-1:30 p.m.
Brown bag lunch discussion on the state of race relations in our country
Office of Multicultural Education


Tuesday, Feb. 10
7 C’s Dialogue Space


Hogan Game Room
6-9 p.m.
Come engage in open and productive dialogue!
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators


Wednesday, Feb. 11
Expand Your Community Lunch-In


Upper Kimball and Crossroads
12 - 1 p.m.
Do you usually dine with the same people? Would you like to meet someone new? From 12 - 1, if you see some balloons floating at a table, you are invited to join us. No agenda beyond this. This is part of HC in Solidarity, intended to help bring us together by encouraging conversations with new people.
Sponsored by the Diversity Leadership Team


Thursday, Feb. 12
Black History Month: A Mini Lecture Series


Rehm Library
4:30-5:30 p.m.
Anil Nathan, assistant professor of economics “Unequal Equals: How Discrimination Persists in Markets and How It Can Be Remedied”
Sponsored by SGA, Black Student Union, Diversity Leadership Team, and Hate: Not Here! Committee


Saturday, Feb. 14
Annual Winter Homecoming Legacy Luncheon


Hogan 402/403
12-1:30 p.m.
By invitation only.
Sponsored by the Bishop Healy Committee, Holy Cross Alumni Association and the Office of Multicultural Education


Sunday, Feb. 15
SGA Sunday Brunch Series: Open Discussion on Diversity Issues On/Off Campus"


Hogan Suite A
11 a.m.
To RSVP, contact Chris Campbell '15, director of diversity for the SGA, at sgadiversity@holycross.edu.
Sponsored by the SGA



Tuesday, Feb. 17
7 C’s Dialogue Space



Hogan Game Room
6-9 p.m.
Come engage in open and productive dialogue!
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators


Wednesday, Feb. 18
Expand Your Community Lunch-In


Upper Kimball and Crossroads
12 - 1 p.m.
Do you usually dine with the same people? Would you like to meet someone new? From 12 - 1, if you see some balloons floating at a table, you are invited to join us. No agenda beyond this. This is part of HC in Solidarity, intended to help bring us together by encouraging conversations with new people.
Sponsored by the Diversity Leadership Team


Wednesday, Feb. 18
Movie “Dear White People” & Discussion


Seelos Theater
3 p.m. (discussion 1 hour before movie & 1 hour after in Kimball 2)
Come and watch movie and engage in dialogue before and after. To RSVP, contact Robert Jones, associate director of multicultural education, at rjone@holycross.edu.
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Office of Student Life


Wednesday, Feb. 18
MPE Open Meeting: “Negro – Exploring Latino Identity”


Hogan 320
6:30-8 p.m.
Exploring the complexities associated with Afro- Latino identity. To RSVP, contact Robert Jones, associate director of multicultural education, at rjone@holycross.edu.
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators.

Thursday, Feb. 19
Black History Month: A Mini Lecture Series


Rehm Library
4:30-5:30 p.m.
Robert Jones, associate director, Office of Multicultural Education “Role of Allies in Social Justice Movements” Special guest Carol Thompson, participant in Selma - Montgomery March
Sponsored by SGA, Black Student Union, Diversity Leadership Team, and Hate: Not Here! Committee


Thursday, Feb. 19
BSU’s Black Love Event


Hogan 406-407
6-7 p.m.
Yvesh’a Bellevue ’16 and Elena Ferguson ’17 will moderate the panel and audience discussion. This year’s questions will be centered on recent events and whether black lived experiences have an impact on black love. The panelists will vary between students, faculty and staff. more
Sponsored by the Black Student Union


Friday, Feb. 20
What’s Poppin'? Open dialogue on issues of the day.


Hogan 109 Conference Room
3:30-5 p.m.
Take time to eat some popcorn, meet the OME staff and discuss current issues
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education


Friday, Feb. 20
Black Staff Appreciation


Hogan Suite B/C
5-7 p.m.
The Black Student Union presents its second annual Black Staff Appreciation event. Students, faculty and staff will be invited to celebrate all the hard work and support of black faculty and staff on campus. Faculty and staff who have been at Holy Cross for 15 years will be honored. All faculty and staff in attendance will leave with a giveaway. more
Sponsored by the Black Student Union


Monday, Feb. 23
Gideon's Army Screening


Hogan Suite C
The Black Student Union will screen the film Gideon's Army, follows the personal stories of three young public defenders who are part of a small group of idealistic lawyers in the Deep South challenging the assumptions that drive a criminal justice system strained to the breaking point. 
Sponsored by the Black Student Union



Tuesday, Feb. 24
Lunch & Learn: Inter-religious Dialogue


Hogan 401
12-1:30 p.m.
Explore the various faith traditions
Office of Multicultural Education &Diversity Leadership Team & Mission and Identity


Tuesday, Feb. 24
7 C’s Dialogue Space


Hogan Game Room
6-9 p.m.
Come engage in open and productive dialogue!
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators


Tuesday, Feb. 24
Lecture by Dawn Porter


Hogan Ballroom
7 p.m.
Dawn Porter, an attorney, civil justice crusader and award-winning documentary filmmaker, will deliver a speech exploring the current American justice system. more
Sponsored by the Black Student Union


Wednesday, Feb. 25
Expand Your Community Lunch-In


Upper Kimball and Crossroads
12 - 1 p.m.
Do you usually dine with the same people? Would you like to meet someone new? From 12 - 1, if you see some balloons floating at a table, you are invited to join us. No agenda beyond this. This is part of HC in Solidarity, intended to help bring us together by encouraging conversations with new people.
Sponsored by the Diversity Leadership Team


Wednesday, Feb. 25
Movie “PRIDE” and discussion


Seelos Theater
3 p.m. (1 hour before movie and 1 hour after in Kimball 2)
Come and watch movie and engage in dialogue before and after. To RSVP, contact Robert Jones, associate director of multicultural education, at rjone@holycross.edu.
Office of Multicultural Education and Office of Student Life


Wednesday, Feb. 25
Movie “Dear White People” with ALANA NETWORK


Worcester Polytechnic Institute
5:30 p.m.
Come watch the movie and engage in dialogue with students from Worcester area colleges and universities. To RSVP, contact Robert Jones, associate director of multicultural education, at rjone@holycross.edu.
Office of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators

Thursday, Feb. 26
Black History Month: A Mini Lecture Series


Rehm Library
4:30-5:30 p.m.
Thomas Doughton, senior lecturer, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies In a talk titled “Black Indians? African-Americans & Native Americans in New England, Doughton will explore the relationship between African-Americans & Native Americans.
Sponsored by SGA, Black Student Union, Diversity Leadership Team, and Hate: Not Here! Committee


Thursday, Feb. 26
Movie film screening “YTF” With Producer and Director Domingo Guyton


Hogan Suite A
6:30-8 p.m.
Watch the movie about a Black Jesus Christ set in 2010 in Dorchester, MA & dialogue with the producer. To RSVP, contact Robert Jones, associate director of multicultural education, at rjone@holycross.eduOffice of Multicultural Education and Multicultural Peer Educators