Summer Course Development Grants

Summer Course Development Grants fund the design of a new course or a major redesign of an existing course that is transformative of the student experience. A major redesign goes well beyond routine updates and modifications to syllabi. The course must be scheduled at least once during the next three semesters, with preference for offering it during AY 2024–2025. The award carries a stipend for summer 2024 of $3,000. Supplementary funds of up to $1,000 may be proposed for expenses related to developing or conducting the course, such as equipment, participation in a workshop, supplies for student projects, or a field trip.

Application Process: submit (1) a narrative of no more than 1000 words describing the course, learning goals, the specific course development work to be conducted, and why the proposed new course or modified course is a compelling priority now; (2) a brief letter of endorsement from the department chair; (3) an itemized budget for supplementary funds of up to $1,000 (if requested); and (4) a current cv. Continuing non-tenure-track faculty are eligible, as are visiting faculty if the course will be taught in 2024–2025. We anticipate making 6 awards for summer 2024. 

Deadline: Monday, April 29 by 11:59 p.m. with notice by May 22, 2024. Applications are reviewed by the Deans + Provost. Contact the Deans of Faculty with any questions.  

Submit Applications Here