Rehm Library / Faculty Working Groups & Visiting Speaker Series

New Opportunity

This new program funds annual faculty-led academic workshops, working groups and research lecture/seminar series that bring external faculty to Holy Cross in a specific field or focused area, with funds to support honoraria, travel costs, and related expenses. Workshops may include one Holy Cross faculty member as a featured presenter; HC faculty are not eligible for honoraria. Workshops, working groups and research speaker series (lectures, seminars etc)  must be hosted in the Rehm Library (which is configurable for small group/seminar style discussion with advance notice).

Application Process

Submit a workshop/series proposal with budget and list of proposed speakers, along with the cv and a letter of endorsement by the department chair(s).  Budgets may be up to $15,000 per proposal; we anticipate making up to 4 awards for 2024-2025. 

Deadline: Monday, April 29 by 11:59 p.m. with notice by May 22, 2024. Reviewed by the Deans + Provost. 

Submit Applications Here