Summer Passport is the four-week residential component of the program held before fall semester classes begin.
July 26 - August 19, 2025
During Summer Passport invited students have the opportunity to:
- Earn one unit of academic credit for completing one course designed and taught by Holy Cross faculty.
- Participate in skill-building workshops (time management, study skills, effective reading strategies, exam preparation).
- Form a supportive community on campus through classmates, Pathfinders, faculty, staff, and administrators.
- Become familiar with the community off campus through field trips and tours.
- Participate in campus experiential learning workshops and opportunities.
At the end of the summer portion students will start the fall semester by participating in Fall Gateways.
Summer Passport Courses
Courses offered for the Passport Class of 2029:
Intro to Biochemistry: A Case Study in Bacterial Warfare (1 section)
The Centers for Disease Control have declared antibiotic resistance to be an urgent threat to public health in the U.S. and called for the development of new drugs capable of killing resistant bacterial infections. To identify new antibiotics, scientists have historically taken inspiration from how bacteria kill one another in the environment. In this course, students will participate in ongoing research into a novel mechanism of interbacterial killing, which may serve as a model for future antibiotic development. Students will learn fundamental biological and chemical principles in an integrated manner and directly apply them in experiments on bacterial proteins. Class discussions will focus on how chemical structure determines biological function, and assessments will include quizzes, problem sets, and a final presentation on the results of the lab experiments. No prior knowledge of biology or chemistry is expected.
Satisfies Common Area Requirement: Natural Sciences
The Elements of Writing Argument (3 sections)
This course is an introduction to academic writing with an emphasis on writing from sources. The course will focus on the writing process, organization, style, revision, editing, documentation, and use of the library. Students will have the opportunity to read and discuss selections from professional and student writers, to express and develop their ideas clearly in reflective, expository, and persuasive papers, and to develop their own writing styles and voices. The course will center on reading, thinking, and writing critically. In this class we will explore writing in a variety of contexts to understand how the particular language that is writing acts to shape, define, and often change the world around us.
Satisfies Common Area Requirement: Free Elective
Students will be informed of their Passport course placement upon arrival on campus. Placement is determined by Holy Cross faculty and Passport administrators after reviewing a number of factors including, but not limited to: Passport Writing Diagnostic, potential major(s), and high school transcript.