The Division of Student Development supports our students through a strategic focus in several areas.

We provide students with developmental opportunities for personal growth and spiritual formation.

We work to ensure inclusion, equity, and safety; and help foster a sense of belonging.
We support community values and help students grow into responsible adults.

We encourage healthy choices, behaviors, and relationships.

We adhere to best practices and strive to live the mission in our daily work.
In the Fall of 2022, the Division of Student Development identified the following six specific areas of focus for divisional efforts over three academic years ending in Spring 2025. The work in these areas spans across the division, are integrated, and are mutually reinforcing.
Student development and formation
Create opportunities for staff to deepen their understanding of student development and Ignatian spirituality; ensure that divisional and office-based programs, events, policies, practices, and/or systems are grounded in Ignatian Spirituality and are undertaken with a developmental and formative approach.
Residential experience
Develop a residential plan that supports today's and tomorrow's students; and identify facilities, staffing, and programming structures that support these plans.
Student onboarding
Create a comprehensive and developmental approach to new student on-boarding that is inclusive of and accessible to all students and their families, that acculturates them to and educates them about Holy Cross, and prepares them for the transition to and through college.
Inclusion and belonging
Foster and promote a culture that supports the free and open expression of ideas, identities, and beliefs; and build skills to negotiate different perspectives; cultivate capacites for staff to engage in inclusive initiatives and practices; ensure that divisional and office-based programs, events, policies, practices, and/or systems are inclusive, equitable, and accessible for our students.
Mental health and wellbeing
Strengthen efforts to address student mental health, substance misuse, and suicide prevention by becoming a JED Campus; take a comprehensive campus approach to expand the College’s health promoting ecosystem in order to further promote student wellbeing.
Build a culture of evidence within the division by engaging in transparent and continuous data collection that informs our work and student learning.

In alignment with the College's strategic planning, the Division of Student Development has set a strategic course for the coming years through academic year 2025.
Read this report to learn about progress on the strategic plan, key accomplishments of the departments, and staff highlights.