Evaluating where we have been so we can make informed decisions about programs and resources.

As the Romero Prayer reminds us, every now and again it helps to take a long view, reflecting on where we’ve been and the distance we’ve traveled. Join the division in its review of its journey from 2017-2022.
Assessment in the Division of Student Development takes place at multiple levels: at the program, office, and divisional levels. At the program and office levels, divisional staff conduct assessment in their area of responsibility in ways that are consistent with their disciplines and areas of expertise. Each office is expected to file annual assessment reports with the Division for record-keeping purposes.
Divisional-level assessment efforts are stewarded with the help of an assessment committee and coordinated by the committee chair. At the divisional level, we coordinate assessment education, manage the collection of annual assessment reports, review college and national survey results, determine the divisional survey cycle, and oversee the development and implementation of the annual divisional survey.
The Division works closely with our colleagues in other parts of the College assessment purposes, especially with the Office of Assessment and Research. We are represented on the College-Wide Assessment Committee and on the Subcommittee for Assessment and Planning.
We assess our divisional strategic goals and initiatives using appropriate modalities for organizational effectiveness and continuous improvement.
We evaluate our educational activities by assessing divisional- and office-level student learning outcomes.
We regularly conduct program reviews of our offices and programs, and are proud that two of our offices - Counseling and Psychological Services and Health Services - are nationally accredited.
We connect our assessment efforts to college-level projects whenever possible.
Divisional Assessment Awards
The Student Development Assessment Award is given annually to a staff member for demonstrating excellence in assessment that contributes to student learning, growth and development.

2022 - Jamie Shannon, Campus Recreation

2023 - Liz Drexler-Hines, Student Wellness Education
Michelle Bata, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Student Engagement, Committee Chair
Cathleen Doane Cannon
Parent and Family Engagement
Liz Drexler-Hines
Student Wellness Education
Patrick Rogers
Student Involvement
Mark Wade
Residence Life & Housing
Questions about assessment in the Division of Student Development should be directed to Michelle Bata, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Student Engagement at mbata@holycross.edu.