Cynthia V. Hooper


History Department
Russian and Eastern European Studies

Associate Professor
Director, Russian and Eastern European Studies
On Leave 2020-2021

Ph.D., Princeton University

Fields: Russian and Soviet history; comparative dictatorship; culture and politics in 20th century Europe

• CV (PDF) »

Office Phone: 508-793-3447
Office: O'Kane 386
PO Box: 170A
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Publications and Distinctions:

  • "A Darker 'Big Deal':  Concealing Party Corruption, 1945-1953" in Living in Late Stalinism (Routledge, 2006)
  • "Terror of Intimacy:  Family Politics in the 1930s Soviet Union" in Everyday Life in Early Soviet Russia (University of Indiana Press, 2005)
  • "Terror From Within:  Participation and Coercion in Soviet Power, 1924-1964" (dissertation, awarded international Fraenkel Prize).

She has served as a Fellow at the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center and as a Fellow of the Davis Center at Harvard. She serves as a Center Associate at Harvard's Davis Center for Russian Studies.Research