A major strength of the chemistry department is its undergraduate research program.
Andre Isaacs '05, assistant professor of chemistry, confers with a student during a lab.
Qualified students, working in association with faculty members, may have an opportunity to conduct research for academic credit. In addition, summer research positions (with a monetary stipend) are available on a competitive basis. As of result of these opportunities, Holy Cross undergraduates regularly contribute papers to professional science publications.
Apply for a Research Opportunity
Listing of Research Programs
Projects are carried out under the supervision of a tenured or tenure-track faculty member.
Interested students should contact faculty members directly to discuss possible opportunities.
Several research courses are available to students, by permission from the faculty advisor:
- CHEM 389: Involves a commitment to join a research group
- CHEM 390: Involves an original and individual experimental investigation
- CHEM 405/406: Involves an original and individual experimental investigation
- CHEM 407/408: Builds on the investigation started in CHEM 405/406
- CHEM 410: Builds on the experiences gained in previous research and provides an opportunity for more in-depth investigations
Students publish as co-authors in top peer-reviewed journals and about 20 students a year present their research results at the national meetings of our professional societies.

Since 2001, research projects conducted by Kenneth Mills, associate professor of chemistry, have enjoyed uninterrupted financial support from the National Science Foundation bringing in more than $1.5 million. Mills, whose research integrates student research participation, has mentored more than 50 undergraduate students in his research lab and has produced 25 publications, many of which have included student co-authors and appeared in peer-reviewed publications.