Implicit List-Learning in Pigeons. Transcendence, Paradox and the Incarnate Word. Supersymmetry Breaking in a Metastable Vacuum. Do Sporting Events Displace Crime? These are just a few of the research topics Holy Cross students helped to create and complete in a recent year. (Don’t worry, we don’t always understand them either.)
Applied Passion
Research gives students the chance to dig into their passions. They design their own projects, work closely with faculty members and transform knowledge into action within a hands-on, experiential setting.
Throughout the process, they learn teamwork, acquire technical skills, grow more independent and build close relationships with their supervising faculty member. They often serve as co-authors on research publications and travel to national conferences to present their findings. As a result, their research experiences open doors — to graduate programs, careers, additional research opportunities and more.

Many Holy Cross students begin participating in research as early as sophomore year. We encourage you to dive in as soon as possible.
Research Courses
The classic approach: A semester or yearlong credit-granting course of independent research conducted under the guidance of one of our professors.
Summer Research
The Weiss Summer Research Program
You’ve never had a summer job like this. The Weiss Summer Research Program at Holy Cross is truly distinctive, both for the opportunities available and the number of students who participate (more than 100). Visit the Summer Research website »
Student Publishing
Learn how to get published and browse examples of the scholarship produced by Holy Cross students. Read more »
Academic Conference
At the close of each academic year, hundreds of students present the results of their independent work during Academic Conference. Read more »
Additional Opportunities
We encourage you to reach out to your professors and advisors for guidance and support, whether you’re interested in research on campus, at another institution, or even abroad. The Office of Fellowships and Graduate Studies is also an excellent resource for securing alternative research opportunities.